



  1. Youchan Yim, Yohei Noguchi, Fumihide Tanaka: A wearable soft robot that can alleviate the pain and fear of the wearer, Scientific Reports, Vol.12, Article No.17003, 2022 [pdf available at here]
  2. Yohei Noguchi, Fumihide Tanaka: OMOY: a Handheld Robotic Gadget that Shifts its Weight to Express Emotions and Intentions, Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2020), Paper No.646, Honolulu, USA, April 2020 [pdf available at ACM DL here]
  3. Tony Belpaeme, James Kennedy, Aditi Ramachandran, Brian Scassellati, Fumihide Tanaka: Social Robots for Education: a Review, Science Robotics, Vol.3(21), eaat5954, 2018 [The full article as well as the pdf is available at here.]
  4. Fumihide Tanaka, Kyosuke Isshiki, Fumiki Takahashi, Manabu Uekusa, Rumiko Sei, Kaname Hayashi: Pepper Learns Together with Children: Development of an Educational Application, Proceedings of the 15th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2015), pp.270-275, Seoul, Korea, November 2015 [pdf, 1.07MB, IEEE Xplore]
  5. 田中 文英,一色 恭輔,高橋 史樹,植草 学,清 るみこ,林 要:子どもと共に学ぶPepper ~教育志向アプリケーションの開発~,第20回ロボティクスシンポジア,軽井沢,2015 [pdf, 1.1MB]
  6. Fumihide Tanaka, Toshimitsu Takahashi, Shizuko Matsuzoe, Nao Tazawa, Masahiko Morita: Telepresence Robot Helps Children in Communicating with Teachers who Speak a Different Language, Proceedings of the 2014 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2014), pp.399-406, Bielefeld, Germany, March 2014 [free pdf available at ACM DL here, 1.1MB]
  7. Fumihide Tanaka, Toshimitsu Takahashi, Shizuko Matsuzoe, Nao Tazawa, Masahiko Morita: Child-Operated Telepresence Robot: a Field Trial Connecting Classrooms between Australia and Japan, Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2013), pp.5896-5901, Tokyo, Japan, November 2013 [pdf, 1.6MB, IEEE Xplore]
  8. Fumihide Tanaka, Shizuko Matsuzoe: Children Teach a Care-Receiving Robot to Promote Their Learning: Field Experiments in a Classroom for Vocabulary Learning, Journal of Human-Robot Interaction, Vol.1(1), pp.78-95, 2012 [pdf, 280KB]
  9. 田中 文英:人間型ロボットと乳幼児の日常インタラクションの研究,発達する知能~知能を形作る相互作用(インテリジェンス・ダイナミクス)(藤田 雅博,下村 秀樹 編),pp.175-212,シュプリンガー・ジャパン,2008 [amazon]
  10. Fumihide Tanaka, Aaron Cicourel, Javier R. Movellan: Socialization between Toddlers and Robots at an Early Childhood Education Center, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS), Vol.104(46), pp.17954-17958, 2007 [pdf, 801KB] [The movie files referred in this paper are also available at the PNAS web: here]
  11. Fumihide Tanaka, Javier R. Movellan, Bret Fortenberry, Kazuki Aisaka: Daily HRI Evaluation at a Classroom Environment: Reports from Dance Interaction Experiments, Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2006), pp.3-9, Salt Lake City, USA, March 2006 [pdf, 884KB, ACM DL]


  1. Youchan Yim, Zongheng Xia, Yuki Kubota, Fumihide Tanaka: The proteus effect on human pain perception through avatar muscularity and gender factors, Scientific Reports, Vol.14, Article No.11332, 2024 [pdf available at here]
  2. Yohei Noguchi, Hiroko Kamide, Fumihide Tanaka: How Should a Social Mediator Robot Convey Messages About the Self-Disclosures of Elderly People to Recipients?, International Journal of Social Robotics, Vol.15, pp.1079-1099, 2023 [pdf available at here]
  3. Youchan Yim, Yohei Noguchi, Fumihide Tanaka: A wearable soft robot that can alleviate the pain and fear of the wearer, Scientific Reports, Vol.12, Article No.17003, 2022 [pdf available at here]
  4. Yohei Noguchi, Hiroko Kamide, Fumihide Tanaka: Weight Shift Movements of a Social Mediator Robot Make It Being Recognized as Serious and Suppress Anger, Revenge and Avoidance Motivation of the User, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Vol.9:790209, 2022 [pdf available at here]
  5. Zhenhan Huang, Fumihide Tanaka: MSPM: A Modularized and Scalable Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning-based System for Financial Portfolio Management, PLOS ONE, Vol.17(2), e0263689, 2022 [pdf available at here]
  6. Denis Peña, Fumihide Tanaka: Human Perception of Social Robot’s Emotional States via Facial and Thermal Expressions, ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, Vol.9(4), Article No.26, 2020 [pdf available at ACM DL here]
  7. Yohei Noguchi, Hiroko Kamide, Fumihide Tanaka: Personality Traits for a Social Mediator Robot Encouraging Elderly Self-Disclosure on Loss Experiences, ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, Vol.9(3), Article No.17, 2020 [pdf available at ACM DL here]
  8. Tony Belpaeme, James Kennedy, Aditi Ramachandran, Brian Scassellati, Fumihide Tanaka: Social Robots for Education: a Review, Science Robotics, Vol.3(21), eaat5954, 2018 [The full article as well as the pdf is available at here.]
  9. 野口 洋平,上出 寛子,田中 文英:遠隔コミュニケーションを仲介するロボットが高齢話者の自己開示に与える影響,ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌,Vol.20(1),pp.67-78,2018 [pdf at J-STAGE, 5.6MB]
  10. 田中 文英:教育におけるロボットの活用,教育と医学,Vol.66(1),pp.28-32,2018 [慶應義塾大学出版会]
  11. 田中 文英,檜山 敦:世代をつなぐ知的インタフェースとしてのロボット活用,人工知能,Vol.31(3),pp.339-342,2016 [draft pdf, 5.1MB]
  12. 田中 文英:人間の共感・同情行動を調べる実験ツールとしてのロボット,日本赤ちゃん学会誌ベビーサイエンス,Vol.13,pp.38-39,2014
  13. Fumihide Tanaka, Toshimitsu Takahashi, Masahiko Morita: Tricycle-style Operation Interface for Children to Control a Telepresence Robot, Advanced Robotics, Vol.27(17), pp.1375-1384, 2013 [draft pdf, 1.3MB] [published version, 938KB]
  14. 田中 文英:子どもとロボットのインタラクションにおけるエージェンシー,日本ロボット学会誌,Vol.31(9),pp.858-859,2013 [draft pdf, 204KB] [published version, 270KB]
  15. 田中 文英:子どものこころとからだを動かすロボット,人工知能学会誌,Vol.28(2),pp.290-293,2013 [draft pdf, 782KB] [CiNii version, 6.6MB]
  16. 田中 文英:仲人するロボット,心の健康ニュース(少年写真新聞社),第392号(2013年5月号),2013
  17. 松添 静子,田中 文英:教育支援ロボットの賢さの違いが子どもの英単語学習に及ぼす影響,人工知能学会論文誌,Vol.28(2),pp.170-178,2013 [pdf, 3.1MB]
  18. Fumihide Tanaka, Shizuko Matsuzoe: Children Teach a Care-Receiving Robot to Promote Their Learning: Field Experiments in a Classroom for Vocabulary Learning, Journal of Human-Robot Interaction, Vol.1(1), pp.78-95, 2012 [pdf, 280KB]
  19. 田中 文英:幼児教育現場におけるソーシャルロボット研究とその応用,日本ロボット学会誌,Vol.29(1),pp.19-22,2011 [pdf, 571KB]
  20. Morana Alac, Javier R. Movellan, Fumihide Tanaka: When a Robot is Social: Spatial Arrangements and Multimodal Semiotic Engagement in the Practice of Social Robotics, Social Studies of Science, Vol.41(6), pp.893-926, 2011 [pdf, 2.2MB]
  21. Vincent Berenz, Fumihide Tanaka, Kenji Suzuki: Autonomous Battery Management for Mobile Robots based on Risk and Gain Assessment, Artificial Intelligence Review, Vol.37(3), pp.217-237, 2011 [pdf, 4.5MB]
  22. 野中 和明,田中 文英,森田 昌彦:階層型ニューラルネットの2変数関数近似能力の比較,電子情報通信学会論文誌D,Vol.J94-D(12),pp.2114-2125,2011 [draft pdf, 1.1MB] [CiNii version, 1.9MB]
  23. Fumihide Tanaka, Takeshi Kimura: Care-Receiving Robot as a Tool of Teachers in Child Education, Interaction Studies, Vol.11(2), pp.263-268, 2010 [draft pdf, 90KB] [published info]
  24. 田中 文英,小嶋 秀樹,板倉 昭二,開 一夫:子どものためのロボティクス:教育・療育支援における新しい方向性の提案,日本ロボット学会誌,Vol.28(4),pp.455-462,2010 [pdf, 625KB]
  25. 田中 文英:ロボット技術を活かした保育環境,日本赤ちゃん学会誌ベビーサイエンス,Vol.9,pp.56-57,2010
  26. 佐藤 帆紡,川畑 共良,田中 文英,山海 嘉之:ロボットスーツHALによる移乗介助動作の支援,日本機械学会論文集C編,Vol.76(2),pp.227-235,2010 [CiNii pdf, 1.3MB]
  27. 新保 智之,山根 健,田中 文英,森田 昌彦:選択的不感化ニューラルネットを用いた強化学習の価値関数近似,電子情報通信学会論文誌D,Vol.J93-D(6),pp.837-847,2010 [draft pdf, 1.0MB] [CiNii version, 1.6MB]
  28. Fumihide Tanaka, Aaron Cicourel, Javier R. Movellan: Socialization between Toddlers and Robots at an Early Childhood Education Center, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS), Vol.104(46), pp.17954-17958, 2007 [pdf, 801KB]
  29. 田中 文英,山村 雅幸:MDP集団の上におけるマルチタスク強化学習,電気学会論文誌C,Vol.123(5),pp.1004-1011,2003 [pdf, 2.6MB]
  30. 田中 文英:AI化建築へ:マルチタスク強化学習による住居屋根制御,建築雑誌,Vol.117(1488),p85,2002


  1. Fumihide Tanaka: Robotics for Supporting Childhood Education, in (Yoshiyuki Sankai, et al., Eds.) Cybernics, Springer, pp.185-195, 2014 [buy chapter]
  2. 田中 文英:人間型ロボットと乳幼児の日常インタラクションの研究,発達する知能~知能を形作る相互作用(インテリジェンス・ダイナミクス)(藤田 雅博,下村 秀樹 編),pp.175-212,シュプリンガー・ジャパン,2008 [amazon]


  1. Youchan Yim, Fumihide Tanaka: Integration of a Shape Memory Alloy with a Soft Pneumatic Actuator to Improve the Haptic Interaction Performance of a Soft Social Robot, Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2024), Article No 198, pp.1-8, Honolulu, USA, May 2024 [pdf available at ACM DL here, Poster]
  2. Kotaro Toratori, Fumhide Tanaka: Human Pain Relief by Using Augmented Reality of Noxious Stimulation, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), pp. 4568-4574, Honolulu, USA, October 2023 [pdf available at IEEE DL here]
  3. Yohei Noguchi, Yijie Guo, Fumihide Tanaka: A Plug-In Weight-Shifting Module That Adds Emotional Expressiveness to Inanimate Objects in Handheld Interaction, Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2023), pp.12450-12456, London, UK, May 2023
  4. Zhenhan Huang, Fumihide Tanaka: Investment Biases in Reinforcement Learning-based Financial Portfolio Management, Proceedings of the 2022 SICE Annual Conference (SICE 2022), pp.494-501, Kumamoto, Japan, September 2022
  5. Yuri Ouchi, Fumihide Tanaka: Eye Design of Social Robots Inspired by the Difference of Gaze Clarity in Canid Species, Proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2022), pp.1528-1533, Naples, Italy, August 2022
  6. Takashi Yonezawa, Fumihide Tanaka: Handwriting Messenger by Which the User Can Feel the Presence of Communication Partners, Proceedings of the Companion of the 2022 ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2022), pp.58-61, Online, March 2022
  7. Taichi Hirano, Fumihide Tanaka: Development of a Training Robot for Slander Suppression, Proceedings of the 2022 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2022), pp.792-796, Online, March 2022
  8. Yuga Adachi, Fumihide Tanaka: Development of a Snuggling Robot That Relieves Human Anxiety, Proceedings of the 2022 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2022), pp.662-664, Online, March 2022
  9. Ayumu Kawahara, Yohei Noguchi, Fumihide Tanaka: A Virtual Agent That is Equipped With Internal Movable Weights for Enhanced Credibility. Proceedings of the 2022 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2022), pp.844-846, Online, March 2022
  10. Motoki Yasuda, Arisa Ota, Fumihide Tanaka: Development of a Variable-Softness Robot by Using Thermoresponsive Hydrogels for Haptic Interaction with Humans, Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft 2021), pp.254-260, Yale University, USA, April 2021 [pdf, 4.35MB]
  11. Youchan Yim, Fumihide Tanaka: Development of an Inflatable Haptic Device for Pain Reduction by Social Touch, Proceedings of the Companion of the 2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2021), pp.86-88, Boulder, USA, March 2021 [Best Student Robot Design] [pdf available at ACM DL here]
  12. Erina Okamura, Fumihide Tanaka: Deployment of a Social Robot into a Classroom of Remote Teaching by Elderly People to School Children: a Case Report, Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2020), pp.626-633, Naples, Italy, August 2020 [pdf, 621KB]
  13. Yohei Noguchi, Fumihide Tanaka: OMOY: a Handheld Robotic Gadget that Shifts its Weight to Express Emotions and Intentions, Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2020), Paper No.646, Honolulu, USA, April 2020 [pdf available at ACM DL here]
  14. Yijie Guo, Fumihide Tanaka: Robot that Sweats to Remind the Elderly of High-temperature, Proceedings of the Companion of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2020), pp.221-223, Cambridge, UK, March 2020 [Honorable Mention (6/183)] [pdf available at ACM DL here]
  15. Yuki Kubota, Fumihide Tanaka: Robot that Expresses Human Pains by Deformations, Proceedings of the Companion of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2020), pp.320-321, Cambridge, UK, March 2020 [pdf available at ACM DL here]
  16. Hikaru Senbonmatsu, Fumihide Tanaka: Robot with an Olfactory Display: Decorating its Movements by Smells, Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2019), in press, New Delhi, India, October 2019 [final draft, 534KB]
  17. Denis Peña, Fumihide Tanaka: Validation of the Design of a Robot to Study the Thermo-Emotional Expression, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2018), pp.75-85, Qingdao, China, November 2018 [pdf, 1.13MB]
  18. Dante Arroyo, Fumihide Tanaka: A Time-based Strategy for the Transition of Control in Telepresence Robots, Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2018), pp.342-347, Nanjing, China, August 2018 [pdf, 707KB]
  19. Hirokazu Yoshida, Fumihide Tanaka: Maintaining the Presence of Remote Speakers on Telepresence Robots by Visual Morphing to Reduce Loneliness, Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2018), pp.404-409, Nanjing, China, August 2018 [pdf, 549KB]
  20. Yohei Noguchi, Hiroko Kamide, Fumihide Tanaka: Effects on the Self-disclosure of Elderly People by Using a Robot Which Intermediates Remote Communication, Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2018), pp.612-617, Nanjing, China, August 2018 [pdf, 1.25MB]
  21. Denis Peña, Fumihide Tanaka: Touch to Feel Me: Designing a Robot for Thermo-Emotional Communication, Proceedings of the Companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2018), pp.207-208, Chicago, USA, March 2018 [free pdf available at ACM DL here, 681KB]
  22. Erina Okamura, Fumihide Tanaka: Design of a Robot that is Capable of High Fiving with Humans, Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2017), pp.704-711, Lisbon, Portugal, August 2017 [pdf, 1.58MB]
  23. Yohei Noguchi, Fumihide Tanaka: A Pilot Study Investigating Self-Disclosure by Elderly Participants in Agent-Mediated Communication, Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2017), pp.29-34, Lisbon, Portugal, August 2017 [pdf, 870KB]
  24. Yoshihiro Ichikawa, Satsuki Ayaya, Shinichiro Kumagaya, Fumihide Tanaka: Investigating Self-disclosure and the Amount of Speaking in an Online Meeting Under the Rule of Casual Talking and Casual Listening, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI 2017), pp.68-73, Nice, France, March 2017 [Awarded Best Paper] [free pdf available at here, 1.25MB]
  25. Yohei Noguchi, Fumihide Tanaka: A Shared-Agent System for Encouraging Remote Communication over Three Generations: The First Prototype, Proceedings of the Companion of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2017), pp.229-230, Vienna, Austria, March 2017 [free pdf available at ACM DL here, 3.8MB]
  26. Tsubasa Kasai, Erina Okamura, Fumihide Tanaka: Studying Coevolution between Social Robots and their Stakeholders, Proceedings of the Companion of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2017), pp.157-158, Vienna, Austria, March 2017 [free pdf available at ACM DL here, 95KB]
  27. Dante Arroyo, Yuichi Ishiguro, Fumihide Tanaka: Design of a Home Telepresence Robot System for Supporting Childcare, Companion of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2017), pp.131-134, Portland, USA, February 2017 [free pdf available at ACM DL here, 1.1MB]
  28. Fumihide Tanaka, Shizuko Matsuzoe: A Self-Competitive Method for the Development of an Educational Robot for Children, Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2016), pp.2927-2933, Daejeon, Korea, October 2016 [pdf, 5.2MB, IEEE Xplore]
  29. Erina Okamura, Fumihide Tanaka: A Pilot Study about Remote Teaching by Elderly People to Children over a Two-way Telepresence Robot System, Proceedings of the 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2016), pp.489-490, Christchurch, New Zealand, March 2016 [free pdf available at ACM DL here, 160KB]
  30. Yoshihiro Ichikawa, Fumihide Tanaka: Displaying Speeches Method for Non-Crosstalk Online Agent, Proceedings of the 2016 AAAI Spring Symposium Series, pp.354-355, Stanford, USA, March 2016 [free pdf available at AAAI here, 1.1MB]
  31. Fumihide Tanaka, Kyosuke Isshiki, Fumiki Takahashi, Manabu Uekusa, Rumiko Sei, Kaname Hayashi: Pepper Learns Together with Children: Development of an Educational Application, Proceedings of the 15th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2015), pp.270-275, Seoul, Korea, November 2015 [pdf, 1.07MB, IEEE Xplore]
  32. Shizuko Matsuzoe, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Fumihide Tanaka: Learning English Words with the Aid of an Autonomous Care-Receiving Robot in a Children’s Group Activity, Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2014), pp.802-807, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, August 2014 [pdf, 1.6MB, IEEE Xplore]
  33. Fumihide Tanaka, Toshimitsu Takahashi, Shizuko Matsuzoe, Nao Tazawa, Masahiko Morita: Telepresence Robot Helps Children in Communicating with Teachers who Speak a Different Language, Proceedings of the 2014 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2014), pp.399-406, Bielefeld, Germany, March 2014 [free pdf available at ACM DL here, 1.1MB]
  34. Shizuko Matsuzoe, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Fumihide Tanaka: Progressive Development of an Autonomous Robot for Children through Parallel Comparison of Two Robots, Proceedings of the 2014 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2014), Late-Breaking Reports, pp.244-245, Bielefeld, Germany, March 2014 [pdf, 68KB, ACM DL]
  35. Fumihide Tanaka, Toshimitsu Takahashi, Shizuko Matsuzoe, Nao Tazawa, Masahiko Morita: Child-Operated Telepresence Robot: a Field Trial Connecting Classrooms between Australia and Japan, Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2013), pp.5896-5901, Tokyo, Japan, November 2013 [pdf, 1.6MB, IEEE Xplore]
  36. Toshimitsu Takahashi, Masahiko Morita, Fumihide Tanaka: Evaluation of a Tricycle-Style Teleoperational Interface for Children: a Comparative Experiment with a Video Game Controller, Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2012), pp.334-338, Paris, France, September 2012 [pdf, 1.7MB, IEEE Xplore]
  37. Shizuko Matsuzoe, Fumihide Tanaka: How Smartly Should Robots Behave?: Comparative Investigation on the Learning Ability of a Care-Receiving Robot, Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2012), pp.339-344, Paris, France, September 2012 [pdf, 1.7MB, IEEE Xplore]
  38. Fumihide Tanaka, Toshimitsu Takahashi: A Tricycle-Style Teleoperational Interface that Remotely Controls a Robot for Classroom Children, Proceedings of 7th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2012), Late-Breaking Reports, pp.255-256, Boston, USA, March 2012 [pdf, 282KB, IEEE Xplore]
  39. Fumihide Tanaka, Shizuko Matsuzoe: Learning Verbs by Teaching a Care-Receiving Robot by Children: an Experimental Report, Proceedings of 7th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2012), Late-Breaking Reports, pp.253-254, Boston, USA, March 2012 [pdf, 230KB, IEEE Xplore]
  40. Toshimitsu Takahashi, Masahiko Morita, Fumihide Tanaka: Operational Feedback Considering Social Contingency for Robot Teleoperation, Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2011), pp.234-239, Phuket, Thailand, December 2011 [pdf, 801KB, IEEE Xplore]
  41. Vincent Berenz, Mark Herink, Fumihide Tanaka, Kenji Suzuki: TDM: A Software Framework for Elegant and Rapid Development of Autonomous Behaviors for Humanoid Robots, Proceedings of 11th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2011), pp.179-186, Bled, Slovenia, October 2011 [IEEE Xplore]
  42. Madhumita Ghosh, Fumihide Tanaka: The Impact of Different Competence Levels of Care-Receiving Robot on Children, Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2011), pp.2409-2415, San Francisco, USA, September 2011 [IEEE Xplore]
  43. Fumihide Tanaka, Toshimitsu Takahashi: Linking Children by Telerobotics: Experimental Field and the First Target, Proceedings of 6th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2011), Late-Breaking Reports, pp.267-268, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2011 [pdf, 251KB, IEEE Xplore]
  44. Fumihide Tanaka, Madhumita Ghosh: The Implementation of Care-Receiving Robot at an English Learning School for Children, Proceedings of 6th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2011), Late-Breaking Reports, pp.265-266, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2011 [pdf, 153KB, IEEE Xplore]
  45. Madhumita Ghosh, Fumihide Tanaka: The First Implementation of Care-Receiving Robot, Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Cybernics (CD-ROM), Paper ID: O2, Tokyo, March 2011
  46. Vincent Berenz, Fumihide Tanaka, Kenji Suzuki: Top Layer Architecture for Simplified Integration of Behaviors in Autonomous Humanoid Robots, Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Cybernics (CD-ROM), Paper ID: O3, Tokyo, March 2011
  47. Vincent Berenz, Fumihide Tanaka, Kenji Suzuki: Assessment of Risk of Battery Depletion for Mobile Robots, Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Cybernics (CD-ROM), Paper ID: P4, Tokyo, Japan, March 2011
  48. Hiroshi Kawata, Fumihide Tanaka, Atsuo Suemitsu, Masahiko Morita: Practical Surface EMG Pattern Classification by Using a Selective Desensitization Neural Network, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2010), pp.42-49, Sydney, Australia, November 2010 [chapter pdf available at here, 691KB]
  49. Fumihide Tanaka, Tomoyuki Noda: Telerobotics Connecting Classrooms between Japan and US: a Project Overview, Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2010), pp.197-198, Viareggio, Italy, September 2010 [pdf, 136KB, IEEE Xplore]
  50. Fumihide Tanaka and Takeshi Kimura: The Use of Robots in Early Education: a Scenario based on Ethical Consideration, Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2009), pp.558-560, Toyama, Japan, September 2009 [pdf, 263KB, IEEE Xplore]
  51. Fumihide Tanaka and Javier R. Movellan: A Barebones Communicative Robot based on Social Contingency and Infomax Control, Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2008), pp.33-34, Munich, Germany, August 2008 [pdf, 64KB, IEEE Xplore]
  52. Javier R. Movellan, Fumihide Tanaka, Ian R. Fasel, Cynthia Taylor, Paul Ruvolo, Micah Eckhardt: The RUBI Project: a Progress Report, Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2007), pp.333-339, Arlington, USA, March 2007 [pdf, 1.7MB, ACM DL]
  53. Fumihide Tanaka, Javier R. Movellan: Behavior Analysis of Children’s Touch on a Small Humanoid Robot: Long-term Observation at a Daily Classroom over Three Months, Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2006), pp.753-756, Hatfield, UK, September 2006 [pdf, 220KB, IEEE Xplore]
  54. Fumihide Tanaka, Javier R. Movellan, Bret Fortenberry, Kazuki Aisaka: Daily HRI Evaluation at a Classroom Environment: Reports from Dance Interaction Experiments, Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2006), pp.3-9, Salt Lake City, USA, March 2006 [pdf, 884KB, ACM DL]
  55. Fumihide Tanaka, Bret Fortenberry, Kazuki Aisaka, Javier R. Movellan: Developing Dance Interaction between QRIO and Toddlers in a Classroom Environment: Plans for the First Steps, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2005), pp.223-228, Nashville, USA, August 2005 [Awarded Best Paper] [pdf, 477KB, IEEE Xplore]
  56. Javier R. Movellan, Fumihide Tanaka, Bret Fortenberry, Kazuki Aisaka: The RUBI/QRIO Project: Origins, Principles, and First Steps, Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL 2005), pp.80-86, Osaka, Japan, July 2005 [pdf, 765KB, IEEE Xplore]
  57. Fumihide Tanaka, Kuniaki Noda, Tsutomu Sawada, Masahiro Fujita: Associated Emotion and its Expression in an Entertainment Robot QRIO, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC 2004), pp.499-504, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 2004 [chapter pdf available at here, 466KB]
  58. Fumihide Tanaka, Hirotaka Suzuki: Dance Interaction with QRIO: a Case Study for Non-Boring Interaction by Using an Entrainment Ensemble Model, Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2004), pp.419-424, Kurashiki, Japan, September 2004 [pdf, 289KB, IEEE Xplore]
  59. Fumihide Tanaka, Masayuki Yamamura: Exploiting Value Statistics for Similar Continuing Tasks, Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2003), pp.271-276, Millbrae, USA, October 2003 [pdf, 309KB, IEEE Xplore]
  60. Fumihide Tanaka, Masayuki Yamamura: Multitask Reinforcement Learning on the Distribution of MDPs, Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation (CIRA 2003), pp.1108-1113, Kobe, Japan, July 2003 [pdf, 341KB, IEEE Xplore]
  61. Fumihide Tanaka, Masayuki Yamamura: An Approach to Lifelong Reinforcement Learning through Multiple Environments, Proceedings of the 6th European Workshop on Learning Robots (EWLR-6), pp.93-99, Brighton, UK, August 1997 [pdf, 171KB]