University of Tsukuba
Fumihide Tanaka Laboratory


Telerobotics for Education

This project explores the use of child-operated telepresence robot for the purpose of facilitating international communication between distant classrooms. In particular, we developed user interfaces that enabled young children three years old could remotely control his/her avatar robot that was placed in a remote location.

Most importantly, it was revealed that children who could not communicate well with speakers of different languages over conventional video conference services could communicate using the telepresence robot system developed by this project. This was because even the situation in which they could not communicate verbally due to the language difference, on this system they could use their bodily movements such as gestures, physical object-handling, etc., which in fact mattered significantly. We investigated these aspects and reported a strong potential for remote education.

We also conducted an international field trial that connected remote classrooms between Australia and Japan.

(Updated on June 27, 2019)